Greetings and welcome back.

Moving from Substack to Gumroad [and now Beehiiv!]

NB this is an archived copy of the newsletter when it was on Gumroad.

Once upon a time, I had a newsletter on Mailchimp. Then I moved to Substack, because it seemed easier. And then I found out that the Substack CEO refuses to say whether he would ban explicitly racist content (the answer, if you need to know, is yes). Time to move newsletters again.

Now I am on Gumroad, the platform I use for my store, and they provide a simple newsletter (like this one). Do note that there is not an autosave or a shortcut for adding links. I am speaking from bitter experience šŸ˜

I am also aware many of you as customers will not have signed up for a newsletter. There is an unsubscribe link at the bottom, please feel free to use it; as an avid newsletter unsubscriber, I understand the limits on your time.

The newsletter will be once every couple of weeks, and will be a round-up of my blog posts, and links and photos that Iā€™ve posted to the exclusive Guild of Forest Gardeners Telegram group (email me if youā€™d like to join) and my Mastodon account.


Bladdernut (Staphylea pinnata) small fast growing shrub with edible seeds

Ramsons (Allium ursinum) flowering in the Ceri valley. Likes damp, rich soil & part shade.

Sweet Woodruff (Galium odoratum) making a glorious ground cover in a clientā€™s woodland garden


My Backyard Forest garden online course is full of information but it is a chonky 3Ā¾ hours of video. I am reworking some of the content and creating fresh content to make a series of 45 minute classes. These will be easier to digest, and easier for me to update.

The full list of classes is here and I have started work already with the CAD for Gardeners class, 50% off with the code MASTOMAX.

Garden designer for hire

Oh yes, that is me. I am open for new garden design projects, remote garden design a speciality. Iā€™ve worked on all sizes and types of forest garden, from a small ornamental clifftop garden to a 2 acre walled garden in Scotland.

I added my prices to the website, to make the process and costs more transparent.