Forest Garden News — Adaption

Forest Garden News — Adaption

Forest Garden Livestream

Wednesday 7th October, 10am BST


You may have noticed that the ecological and climate emergency is happening now. Fortunately, climate risk mitigation also addresses the causes of the emergency: creation of ecosystems, sustainable food production and community involvement. 

I’ll be looking at what you can do in your forest garden to adapt to extreme weather events and the rapidly changing climate. This will cover wind protection, water preservation, habitat creation and species selection.

The livestream is on at 10am, followed by an informal Zoom chat at 10.30am-ish.

Cartoon of person at a climate summit conference saying “What if it's a big hoax and we create a better world for nothing”

But what if it’s a big hoax? Cartoon by Joel Pett


Zoom Q&A

  • Zoom link

  • Time: 10.30—11:00am

  • Zoom password: windswept

White star shaped flower and evergreen leaves

Plants For A Future is an absolutely invaluable online resource for forest gardeners. I use it pretty much daily. As well as a comprehensive database of “useful plant” species, there’s lots of additional articles and tables as well. 

I’ve previously created a sortable windbreak species spreadsheet with their data. This week, I bring you their ground cover species as a sortable spreadsheet.

To sort the data, select all the cells, then go the menu Data -> Sort range. Be sure to check Data has header row, then you get to choose by column title.

Past students from my online course The Backyard Forest encouraged me to set up a Patreon page, which I did! 

One of the things I’m really excited about is one-to-one coaching via Zoom. A garden design can cost hundreds if not thousands of pounds. My Stellar Coaching Patron level is £30 per month, which includes my course (3½ condensed hours of knowledge), access to the Forest Garden Support WhatsApp group and a monthly 40 minute session on Zoom.

This session could be you showing me around your garden, discussing which plants might be suitable or clarification on something in the course. Yes, you do have to put in the learning effort and actually do the designing but the idea is to create forest gardeners to care long term for our forest gardens 🙂
