Forest Garden News — Tree planting

Forest Garden News — Tree planting

Forest Garden Livestream

Wednesday 25th November, 10am GMT

Planting an apple tree 🌳

This Wednesday at 10am, I’ll be planting a Spartan apple tree on a dwarfing root stock, nearby the polytunnel. I’ll be discussing staking, mulching, ground cover and bareroot trees.

Afterwards at 10.30am, there will be an informal forest garden Zoom Q&A.

Pale pink apple blossom

Pale pink apple blossom


Zoom Q&A

  • Zoom link

  • Time: 10.30—11:00am

  • Zoom password: spartan

Speckledy Asian Pear

If you would like to see a photo gallery of forest garden plants, there’s a community effort under way to create Organising the photos along the lines of Martin Crawford’s book Creating a Forest Garden, we are currently researching about 460 plants, and plan to upload about 2,000 photographs.

If you would like to help out, I have written up instructions, plus I've made a 9 minute YouTube video explaning the research process. There’s also a supportive WhatsApp group. Email me [email protected] for details 🙂

Screenshot of online course

Course normally £99, limited offer £9.99!

As a big thank you to everyone who reads the newsletter, helps out with the Forest Garden Gallery and other numerous projects, I am offering The Backyard Forest online course for only £9.99. This is for newsletter subscribers only, please don’t share it with anyone 🤫

This offer expires on Saturday 28th November. Be swift, be bold, click the Big Blue Button.
