
Livestream—Too much land?!

 Nature Works

Wednesday 31st August, 10am BST

Manage your land

We moved to a farmhouse with 8 acres in West Wales 6 years ago, from a terraced house in Kent with a back yard. Managing this much land has been a steep learning curve, to put it mildly.

Most forest gardens really don’t need to be any more than 1 acre in size, so what’s the best way to manage this much land? 

I’ll be looking at tips and tricks for managing whatever size plot you have — mown grass perimeter path to keep back the brambles, planting out in stages over years, the importance of windbreaks, the usefulness of dead hedges etc. I’ll also be touching on other management, from coppicing to rewilding.

A fairly empty forest garden, shortly after we arrived!


Zoom chat

  • No zoom chat this week!

  • Children’s birthday party takes precedence


Ice Plant is a non-UK-native but lovely forest garden plant Sedum spectabile

Last week’s livestream: Solace 1. 

The video is up on my Nature Works YouTube channel.

Man in a tree with a saw

 Martin Hayes, Orchardist 

I had the pleasure of working recently with my friend Martin Hayes, long-time orchardist and fruit tree aficionado. 

He lives between Pembrokeshire and Cheltenham, is the co-chair of the Gloucestershire Orchard Trust, and works on fruit trees from Wales to Kent. If you ever need any advice about planning, planting or pruning an orchard, I can recommend him without a moment’s hesitation. His website is

Obviously, there is a great deal of overlap between orchards and forest gardens, so we always have a great deal to talk about. And to see him at work, pruning saw in hand, is an absolute delight.
